Tunes and Chips
An After School Singing Club for primary school children, run by St Martin’s Director of Music, John Swindells, in St Martin’s Church.
Twice monthly on Fridays, 3.45 - 5.15pm
Music and munching
The club meets on dates pre-arranged for each term. Parents and carers are welcome to stay, watch, or even join in! The aim is to share a love of singing and to take part in some of our All Together Worship services on the 4th Sunday of the month and special Christmas services.
3.45pm Welcome with squash and biscuits
4.00pm Singing - fun songs, action songs, music and movement
4.45pm Oven-baked Chips are served with fresh fruit juice (and tea/coffee for the grown-ups), followed by games until 5.15pm
We ask for a contribution of £2 per child
(£1 per adult for chips)
Contact the Church Office to join the mailing list.